Lake Tollensesee Neubrandenburg

The 10 km long and up to 2.5 km wide Lake Tollensesee belongs to the cleanest and largest waters in Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania. On its deepest point it descends 33 m. Through the last measuring in 2014 by official bodies of the European Union the Lake got the mark “excellent”.

Important inflows are the stream Gätenbach on the north bank, the streams Krickower Bach and Nonnenbach which flow together short before the southern bank and the canal Lieps. The outflow is via the streams Oberbach and Öhlmühlenbach, which unite some kilometres later to the river Tollense and flow north into the river Peene.

Around Tollensesee and Lieps there is a well-developed 37 km long cycling path with natural and cultural highlights.

The guarded beaches of Broda (north-west bank) and Augustabad (north-east bank) invite you with attractive beaches and sunbathing areas. The nudist beach Buchort in Brodaer Holz and the beach in Nonnenhof offer more bathing opportunities.

On the western lakeside in Brodaer Holz you find the camping site “Gatsch Eck”.

Passenger ships run frequently and for cruises on the lake.

Around the lake you find restaurants, holiday apartments and other possibilities to host.

And don’t forget the first barrier-free bathing jetty of Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania on the beach Augustabad. Whether you use the stairs or the pool lifter – everybody can bath here. Of course the handicapped parking spots are marked.

Touristinfo Neubrandenburg

  • accommodation office
  • counselling and sale of souvenirs
  • placing of guided journeys and city tours
  • information and brochures about the city and environment
  • information and offers for an accessible holiday
  • maps for cycling and hiking
  • ticketing and many others

Book your journey and your personal adventures with us. We will be happy to advice you!

Geprüfte Touristinformation Europäische Route der Backsteingotik

Opening Times

Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Please note our special opening times during city-centre events


Touristinfo Neubrandenburg
Marktplatz 1
17033 Neubrandenburg

Tel.: 0395 55 95127

City of Four Gates on Lake Tollensesee