Welcome to Vier-Tore-Stadt Neubrandenburg the city of attractions in the Mecklenburg Lake District

The 776-year-young adventure city of Neubrandenburg on the edge of the Mecklenburg Lake District lies in the middle of a hilly landscape that was formed by the glaciers of the Ice Age. The third largest city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a diverse city of contrasts. In addition to a wide range of cultural attractions, such as the Konzertkirche, the theatre and the art collection, the beautiful Lake Tollensesee and the numerous forests right outside the city gates are not far away.

Click through our website and be inspired by the many possibilities in Neubrandenburg.

Current tips at a click:

Are you looking for some souvenir from our beautiful city? You can see a small selection here and find more on our  souvenir page.



We look forward to your visit to the Touristinfo und Ticket-Service Neubrandenburg in the HKB!

Tourism for Everybody

Neubrandenburg gets good marks for accessible mobility. Offers in culture and nature can be experienced by handicapped people. Beside the special offers like the wheelchair accessible guided tour and the city centre brass relief on the market place which can be groped by blind people, also the access to the Concert Church is barrier-free available. Here a Sennheiser system (FM reception) furthermore ensures the right quality of sound for hearing-impaired people. And finally there should be highlighted the accessible bathing jetty on beach Augustabad.

You get information to all touristic offers in the Touristinfo in HKB (House of culture and education), Marktplatz 1. Of course you get there accessible. I

All accessible offers are marked with the corresponding icons:

Barrierefrei: Mit Fahrstuhl   Barrierefreies Parken   Barrierefreies WC, Toilette   Barrierefrei: Rollstuhlgeeignet   Barrierefrei: Für Hörgeschädigte

Ticket-Service Neubrandenburg

  • ticket sale of regional and national events
  • information about prices, seating options, reductions, reservations
  • shipping service for tickets
  • information about events
  • Open-air-tickets
  • vouchers
  • tourist fishing licence

3D-visualisation of the Haus der Kultur und Bildung

Financing in the course of 30 Jahre of urban development funding with urban development funds (KEG).
Copyright: Neunauge | Thomas Grosse | http://www.neunauge.net


Opening time

Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 18:00

Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00

Please note our special opening times during city-centre events

Ticket-Service Neubrandenburg
Marktplatz 1
17033 Neubrandenburg

Tel.: 0395 55 95127
E-Mail: ticket-service@vznb.de
Website: www.vznb.de

Vier-Tore-Stadt on Lake Tollensesee

Touristinfo Neubrandenburg

  • accommodation office
  • counselling and sale of souvenirs
  • placing of guided journeys and city tours
  • information and brochures about the city and environment
  • information and offers for an accessible holiday
  • maps for cycling and hiking
  • ticketing and many others

Book your journey and your personal adventures with us. We will be happy to advice you!

Geprüfte Touristinformation Europäische Route der Backsteingotik

Opening Times

Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Please note our special opening times during city-centre events


Touristinfo Neubrandenburg
Marktplatz 1
17033 Neubrandenburg

Tel.: 0395 55 95127
E-Mail: touristinfo@neubrandenburg.de

City of Four Gates on Lake Tollensesee