Explore Neubrandenburg accessible

Tourism for everyone

Thousand sparkling lakes surrounded by green meadows, natural forests and moorlands. This glacial formed landscape offers a variety of possibilities for active and diversified holiday and free time activities. Interesting nature and cultural offers, which can be also experienced by handicapped people, give an insight into the treasury of the Mecklenburg Lake District.

Because of its existing infrastructure the town of Neubrandenburg is particularly accessible for wheelchairs. Beside the special offers of the town, like wheelchair suitable guided tours, the touch model on the market place, a visit of the concert church and the barrier free access to the beach Augustabad – the culture park and the near forests are accessible for wheelchair users, too. These places offer the chance for extended excursions, for recreation and rest.

The historical guided tour

The guided tours are without barriers and are available for wheelchair users and handicapped children. Together with wheelchair users of the association for handicapped people “Behindertenverband Neubrandenburg e. V.” the guided tours were checked. On request you can ask for a guide specialised for handicapped people.

* All prices are including VAT

Duration: 2 hours
Price for a group up to 10 people: 90,00 €
Price for a group up to 20 people: 130,00 €

Medieval discovery tour for children

Duration: 1 hour
Group price up to 30 people: 80,00 €

Guided tour in the Concert Church

The construction of the church started at the same time with the town’s foundation. In 1298 followed the consecration to St Mary’s Church. Its eastern gable counts to the most aesthetic creations of Brick Gothic in Northern Germany. In 1945 the church was victim of a great fire and in 1976 they started the reconstruction. With the plans of the Finnish architect Pekka Salminen St Mary’s Church was rebuilt as a modern concert hall which is integrated into the historical building. The visit of the concert church is available without any barriers and offers a distinctive experience also for handicapped people. We are looking forward to your visit!

* All prices are including VAT

Duration: 1,5 hours
Price up to 10 people: 100,00 €
Price up to 20 people: 130,00 €
Each additional person: 7,00 €

Note: In consultation with the Touristinfo a wheelchair rental is possible. The visit of the tower and the balustrade is not accessible for people with limited mobility.


Discover Neubrandenburg by touching

To feel the city centre of Neubrandenburg and see it from bird’s eye view is possible with the brass model on the market place. The true to original model of the town (scale 1:750) was created by the aluminium and brass foundry of Peter Bunge. The model makes it possible for blind people, visually handicapped and of course all other people to “see” the town inside the wall with its historical churches, streets and buildings.

No matter if you touch with your hands or you look at it with your eyes: this model opens up new perspective and unusual angles of view.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Touristinfo Neubrandenburg

  • accommodation office
  • counselling and sale of souvenirs
  • placing of guided journeys and city tours
  • information and brochures about the city and environment
  • information and offers for an accessible holiday
  • maps for cycling and hiking
  • ticketing and many others

Book your journey and your personal adventures with us. We will be happy to advice you!

Geprüfte Touristinformation Europäische Route der Backsteingotik

Opening Times

Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Please note our special opening times during city-centre events


Touristinfo Neubrandenburg
Marktplatz 1
17033 Neubrandenburg

Tel.: 0395 55 95127
E-Mail: touristinfo@neubrandenburg.de

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